
1. The Author

Jamie Moran was born in the USA of mixed Irish, Scots, Cherokee Indian [Ani Yin Wiya], and Jewish ancestry.

He was sent to school in England at the age of 16 in 1962. He has lived in the U.K. ever since. Educated first at Oxford University [BSc in philosophy, psychology, physiology], and then at Bedford College, London University [PhD in child perception], he later trained in child psycho-therapy. In his 20s and 30s, he practiced Judo at the Budokwai in London.

After leaving school at 18 [by mutual consent], his earliest jobs included working on the East London docks, in factories and building sites, and as an orderly [carrying out dead bodies] in the old St Stevens Hospital in the Fulham Road. Later, after obtaining qualifications, he lectured in adult education, worked as a lecturer and tutor in therapy training institutes, and was a senior lecturer in counselling and psychology at Roehampton University from 1991 to 2011. His main interest, in these years, was always in ‘spiritual psychology’, as exemplified by E.G. Howe, Kierkegaard, and Martin Buber.

However, from 1976, two years after Wounded Knee 2, he has been involved with Oglala people living at Pine Ridge who are engaged in the fight to save Lakota culture. He has spent much time on the reservation, including a year in 2002 living in a trailer near the village of Porcupine. He became friendly with the healer and shaman side of the indigenous culture, but ended up being invited into the Cante Tinze – Brave Hearts – Warrior Society, as Keeper of Principle.

Jamie Moran has been married to his wife Myfanwy for 46 years.

He is a member of the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition in Western Europe. The thread linking Shamanism, Judaism, and Messianic Christianity, is a major concern. Worrying over conventional boundaries, and people wanting to put flags of identity on their ‘patch’ to bolster their ownership of it, is of no concern.

2. The Passion Writings

There is really no way to provide an initial overview.. Summing up the various discoveries on passion is impossible, because they emerged only over time, on the ground, out of the dark. In a way, ‘everything that had to be gone through to get there’ is the only summary.

The first passion book is a journey through different peoples in their different manifestations of passion.

The second passion book distinguishes Eros, the Way of Light, from the Daemonic, the Way of Fire; mind and soul are drawn to the Light, heart and spirit are sparked by the Fire. The path of Eros is well understood. The path of the Daemonic is forgotten; what is involved in recovering, and living from, the heart?

3. Previous Publications


  • Morocco Dream Book [“In The Year Of The Long Knife”; “I Recall The Ghosts Of my Sojourn In The City”; “Marrakesh Night Road”], Omphalos, A Mediterranean Review, 3, 1973, 25-27.

Journal Articles

  • Moran, J. [2002], “Desert Heart”, The Journal, Psychological Foundations: Thriving Amidst Adversity, India, IV [2], 35–41.
  • Moran, J. [2004], “Six Steps Of Passion”, Student World: Ecumenical Review, World Student Christian Federation, Hungary, 1, 78–86.
  • Moran, J. [2005], “Hard Wakan”, in P. Sajda, R. Blocksome, and N. Szaboics [ed.s], Subtle As Serpents, Gentle As Doves, Ecumenical Anthology IV of the WSCF Central European Subregion, Akademickya YMCA, Praha, Hungary, 223–230.
  • Moran, J. [2005], “The Daemonic God”, Mozaik 15, Hungary, X [1], 24–26.
  • Moran, J. [2006], “Faith As The Leap Of Passion”, in P. Sajda, R. Blocksome, and N. Szaboics [ed.s], Dreaming Our Neighbour, The Shoa and the Utopias of Yesterday, Ecumenical Anthology V of the WSCF Central European Subregion, B.G. O.I., Warszawa, Poland, 111–120.
  • Moran, J. [2006], “The Cross is in The World”, Student World: Ecumenical Review, World Student Federation, Hungary, 1, 12-15.
  • Moran, J. [2007], “Drama As Passion’s Action in the World”, in R. Weber, P. Sajda, and N. Szaboics [ed.s], Roots of Vision, Routes of Change, Ecumenical Anthology VI of the WSCF Central European Subregion, BGOI and WSCF-CESR and Ekunet, Hungary, 162-176.
  • Moran, J. [2008], “Earth Wisdom: Not Plato’s Preformed Forms up in the Sky”, in R. Weber, N. Szabolcs, and P. Sajda [ed.s], Integrity in Integration, Ecumenica Anthology VII of the WSCF Central European Subregion, BGOI and WSCF-CESR and OIKUMENE, Budapest, 196-202.
  • Reynolds, F., Shepherd, C., and Moran, J. [2010], “They’re battle scars, I wear them well: A phenomenological exploration of young women’s experiences of building resilience following adversity in adolescence”, Journal of Youth Studies, Vol. 13, No 3, June 2010, 273-290.

Book Chapters

  • Moran, J. [2001], “Pravoslavie I Sovrenennaya Glubinnaya Psihologiya”, in I. A. Savkin [ed.], Pravoslave V Sovremennom Mire, Aletheia, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp 117-138.
  • Moran, J. [1996], “Orthodoxy and Modern Depth Psychology”, in A. Walker and C. Carras [ed.s], Living Orthodoxy In The Modern World, SPCK, London, Great Britain, pp 131-158.
  • Moran, J. [2004], “Spiritual War: The Relevance to Modern Therapy of the Ancient Eastern Orthodox Christian Path of Ascetical Practice”, in S. Muse [ed.], Raising Lazarus: Integral Healing in Orthodox Christianity, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass., USA, 143–212.
  • Moran, J. [2006], “The Battle for Person in the Heart”, in L. Kisley [ed.], The Inner Journey, Views From The Christian Tradition, Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, Idaho, USA, ch 3, 101–112.

4. Printing

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6. Wilmer Mesteth

View a gallery of photos in honour of Wilmer Mesteth.

7. Contact

Jamie Moran can be contacted by using this form.
He cannot guarantee to reply to communications.

8. Copyright

This website, all pages and all written contents herein, and the provided PDF files of the book volumes, Copyright © Jamie Moran. All rights reserved.

Book cover art for The Wound of Existence by Miles Stryker.
Book cover ikon for The Room of No Exit is John The Baptist In The Desert [St Katherine’s Monestary, Sinai].

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