Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Spirit Talk
- Foreword
- I. The Way The World Has Become
- II. Eros and the Daemonic
- OVERVIEW= After The Fall
- EROS AND THE DAEMONIC= Static and Dynamic
- STATIC QUALITY= The ‘Cosmic Wheel’
- DRAMA= The Instigator of Dynamic Quality
- Two Friends in Arles
- The Sacred Circle
- Experiences of Eros
- The Philosopher’s Eros
- The Scientist’s Eros
- The Mystic’s Eros
- The Psychologist’s Eros
- The Intelligence of Love
- Notes on Soul as Feeling
- A Discussion on Eros
- Martin Buber on Eros
- Drowning in The Sea Of Love
- The Daemonic as ‘Duende’
- The Daemonic Wound
- The Daemonic Test
- The Daemonic Fire
- TIME= The Vehicle of the Daemonic in Human Existence
- Daemonic in Ancient Greek
- Heads and Tails of The Daemonic
- Warrior Honour
- HEKATE= The Dark Queen
- The Zombies are Among Us
- Conclusion
- III. The Existential
- Introductory Notes on Greek and Jew
- TWO HORNS OF A DILEMMA= And The Neglected Third Way
- Different Voices of Angst
- Time is Existential
- The Human World
- Existential Action
- The Gamble of Existence
- Words of The Abyss
- The Abyss
- Existential Heroism
- Ontological Void and Existential Abyss
- This is The Heart
- Faith vs. Despair
- Resignation or Faith?
- Which Suffering Do We Choose?
- Why Is Passion Existentially Basic?
- Innocence and Experience in Passion
- Authenticity in Existence
- Modern People’s Attempt to Articulate Passion
- Escape to Theory
- A Useful Distinction in Kierkegaard
- Closing the Eyes
- Pathologies of Passion
- The Sobriety of True Passion
- Abstractionism
- Existential Realism
- God Is Not An Idea
- The Black Night
- The Burning of Passion
- IV. The Jewish Struggle With The Daemonic
- Greek Space and Jewish Time
- What God Put On The Jews
- Why Did Job Repent?
- God is A Gambler
- Hesed
- YAHWEH as the Personal Name of God
- THE LEFT HAND OF YAHWEH= Does Hebrew Have A Term Equivalent to the Greek ‘Daemonic’?
- PAGANISM= The Great Mother and Her Son-Lover Ba’al
- The Messianic Calling of Jewish Religion
- Healing and Redemption
- Hasidism as Messianic
- The Day Of Atonement in Ancient Judaism
- OLAM= the Jewish Emphasis on Time
- The ‘Throne—Chariot’ of God in Jewish Tradition
- The Messiah in Jewish Tradition
- The Spirit in The Depths
- V. The Messianic
- Do You Want The Way of Heart?
- The Koan of Existence
- What We Find
- The Revelation [Apocalypse] of John
- The Messianic Koan
- Offence Or Faith
- What Do You Mean?
- AFFECTEDNESS= The Centrality of ‘Heart’ in Human Existence
- ‘NIKE’= The Victory of the ‘Passible’ Heart
- UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS= The Metaphysical Philosophy of Greek Hellenism
- Kierkegaard Quotes
- HEIGHT AND DEPTH= Knowledge versus Wisdom
- The Paradox of The Daemonic
- Jeremiah’s Disappointment
- “A Man Will Come Whose Heart Is Deep”
- The Fire of Truth Among the Old Celts
- What Is The Sword?
- The Fire of Truth in Many Places
- Warrior Staked To The Ground
- The Warrior’s Secret
- Japanese Samurai Teachings
- Warrior Way and The Greek ‘Thymos’
- The Warrior as A Third Way
- Flamenco in 2009
- DIONYSUS, ‘The Twice Born’
- The True Heroism
- What Manner of Human Being Is A Prophet?
- When Will Truth Be Lived And Done, Rather Than Just Espoused?
- Go With The Garbage
- What Is Sin?
- Mother Maria Skobtsova
- Notes On Dostoyevsky
- The Daemonic God Is Not A Rescuer
- What Does The Heart Want?
- Eros In Taoism
- Eros In ‘The Song Of Songs’
- Rumi on Eros
- Eros is Light And Water
- Eros and The Daemonic As Partners?
- Cleansing The Pools
- More On Eros As Static Quality
- EROS AND THE DAEMONIC IN JEWISH TRADITION= Deuteronomy and the Book of Job
- The Two Vows God Makes
- SAVING AND REDEEMING= An Overview of the Contrast
- Karin’s Reply
- Emptying The Will
- Christ’s Cross
- The Cross is In The World
- Covenant Versus Contract
- The ‘Sin’ of Moses
- The Buck Stops Here
- Atonement as The Reversal
- Christ, Redeemer and King
- Why The ‘Passion’ Of Christ?
- THE KOAN OF THE CROSS= He Joined Us In Our Desolation
- Heart And World
- Fighting Fire With Fire
- Only Passion Brings Us To Holiness
- Change In The Depths
- The Third Way Of This World
- An Old Letter From a Friend
- The Place of Despair Embraced by The Cross
- The Cross As Victory
- The Messiah’s Descent Into Hell
- Passing Through Hell
- What Resurrection Means
- The Message of The Resurrection
- The Heroism of The Cross
- Redemption Is Not ‘Individual’
- Everyone Has Their Own ‘Share’ Of Suffering
- Pseudo Destiny
- The Satanic Accuser Against, and The Messianic Advocate For, The Human Heart
- THE THREE FACES OF EVIL= Lucifer, Satan, Mephistophles
- The Three Hells
- The Satanic Freud
- The Luciferian, Matriarchal Jung
- The Human Tragedy
- Hell As The ‘Existential Condition’ of The Human Heart
- Peter The Upside Down Man
- Letter From a Friend On What Is Truly ‘Petrine’
- Rollo May Critiques Carl Rogers For Being Naïve About Evil
- PROLOGOMENA TO AN UNRESOLVED PROBLEM= Balancing ‘Good and Evil’ with ‘Sickness and Health’
- CONSIDER THIS— Why Does St Paul ‘Glory’ in Existential Infirmities?
- What Van Gogh Painted
- The ‘Abysmal’ Is Key to Passion’s Spirtual Destiny
- The Abyss At The ‘Base’ of The Human Heart
- SALVATION AND REDEMPTION= An Overview of the Difference, Based on Linguistic and Scriptural Sources
- Ambivalence
- The Temptation of Monasticism Is To Betray ‘The Ethical’
- What The Desert Tradition Had That Later Monasticism Lost
- Prophet As Serving The King
- The Christian Mystery
- Divinization
- How Deep Is Your Love?
- The Secret Wisdom of God
- THE SECOND CHANCE= Pointing To The Future
- VI. The Eschatological Future
- Notes In The Life
- APOPHATIC AND CATAPHATIC= The Error of the Philosopher’s Intellectualist Mysticism
- The Mystery of The Concrete and Particular ‘Existent’
- DOSTOYEVSKY= The New Spirit of Humanity Emerging From The ‘Crisis of Modernity’
- Berdyaev on Dostoyevsky
- The Three Ages of Humanity in Dostoyevsky
- Post-Modernism on The ‘Messianic Turn’
- The Existential Irrelevance of Science
- ‘My Heart is Troubled, My Spirit Has Failed Me’
- Three Mysteries of The Cross
- The Crossing of The Roads
- ‘Saviour-ism’ As The Alternative To Redemption
- Humility
- What Is Coming?
- The Beginning Will Return In The End
- THE ‘FALL’ IN TAOISM= The Great Pretense Begins
- HAIKU POETRY= The Future of Eros
- The Real Meaning of Easter Joy
- THE FAIRY TALE ENDING= Heroism and Magic
- REFLECTIONS UPON LEAVING AMERICA= Joyce Carol Oates On The ‘Daemonic’
- The American Jesus is A Superman
- The Futility of Quarrelsome Religion
- The Black And Red Of Passion
- A New Slant On Passion
- Passion Is The Adult We Do Not Become
- ‘Call No Man Father’
- The Third Hell
- ‘GEHENNA’ AS HELL IN ANCIENT JUDAISM= A Misunderstood Existential Reality
- The ‘Son of Man’
- The Universality of The Messiah
- The King Revealed in ‘The Least’
- Tibetan Buddhism Takes a Messianic Direction
- IN HELL= A Letter From A Friend
- VAN GOGH= Painting the ‘Supernatural Realism’ of the Daemonic
- The Existential Cross
- REDEMPTION MAKES POSSIBLE THE FINAL SALVATION= The ‘Ontologically Transfigured’ Nature Of All Created Things
- ‘REDACTING’ THE JEWISH SCRIPTURES= What Went Wrong in Two Messianic Religions
- The Paradox of The Jews
- The Right Question
- KISMET= The Jewish Koan
- Theodicy?
- ORTHO-DOXIA= Its ‘Rightness’, Its Temptation, Its Heresy, Its Limitation
- Symbol, Eikon, Poem of Grief and Fire
- Do You Want To Go To Heaven?
- The Post-Messianic Fire, and The Light That Serves Its Mission
- We Start In Light and End In Fire
- IN DARKNESS= A Polish Holocaust Film
- This Very Hour
- TESHUVAH= The Way of The ‘Turning’ in Hasidism Becomes The Way of the Cross in Christianity
- The Heart Goes On
- The Second Coming Of Christ
The Room of No Exit